RA-3 Residence District.  

Latest version.
  • The RA-3 Single-Family Residence District is primarily intended to accommodate single family neighborhoods which are characterized by smaller lots than those required in the RA-1 and RA-2 Districts. The following provisions, regulations and restrictions will apply in this Zoning District:
    Permitted Uses. Those uses permitted in the RA-2 Residence District.
    Transitional Uses. Any transitional use permitted in the RA-2 Residence District.
    Special Uses. Those special uses permitted in the RA-2 Residence District.
    Site Area and Accessory Building Area.
    [Ord. O-2006-0013, 4/4/2006]
    The total combined building coverage of the allowed main building, private garage(s), and accessory building(s) shall occupy no more than forty percent (40%) of the lot area of an interior lot or forty-five percent (45%) of the lot area of a corner lot.
    One (1) private attached garage per dwelling unit or one (1) private detached garage per lot is permitted.
    [Ord. O-2014-0036, 6/17/2014]
    One (1) storage shed is permitted per lot.
    [Ord. O-2014-0036, 6/17/2014]
    One (1) residential accessory building other than a private garage or storage shed is permitted per lot.
    [Ord. O-2014-0036, 6/17/2014]
    There shall be a minimum of one (1) foot between detached accessory structures, and they shall not be physically connected.
    [Ord. O-2014-0036, 6/17/2014]
    Lot Area Per Dwelling. Except as may be provided elsewhere for a specific permitted or special use, the minimum lot area per dwelling will not be less than five thousand (5,000) square feet.
    Lot Width. Except as may be provided elsewhere for a specific permitted or special use, the minimum lot width will not be less than fifty (50) feet.
    Front Yards. Every lot will have a front yard not less than twenty (20) feet in depth. Overhanging roof eaves projecting not more than three (3) feet will not be considered as obstructions.
    Side Yards. Every lot shall have two (2) side yards, the east and south of which will be not less than eight (8) feet in width and the north and west of which will be not less than four (4) feet in width. In the case where a side yard adjoins a street, it will be not less than twenty (20) feet in width. Overhanging roof eaves projecting not more than one (1) foot will not be considered as obstructions.
    Rear Yard. Every lot will have a rear yard of not less than thirty (30) feet in depth, except in the case of a corner lot where the rear yard will not be less than twenty-five (25) feet.
    Height. Main buildings on a lot will not exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.