West Allis |
Code of Ordinances |
Municipal Code |
Chapter 12. Zoning and City Planning |
SubChapter I. Zoning Code |
RA-4 Residence District.
Latest version.
The RA-4 Single-Family Residence District is primarily intended to accommodate existing single family neighborhoods which are characterized by smaller lots than those required in the other single family Residence Zoning Districts. It is specifically intended for areas of the City designated as Class "A" under the preceding City Zoning Ordinance. It is intended that areas under this District will not be extended into other parts of the City. The following provisions, regulations and restrictions will apply in this Zoning District.(1)Permitted Uses. Those uses permitted in the RA-3 Residence District.(2)Special Uses. Those special uses permitted in the RA-3 Residence District.(3)Site Area and Accessory Building Area.[Ord. O-2006-0013, 4/4/2006](a)The total combined building coverage of the allowed main building, private garage(s), and accessory building(s) shall occupy no more than forty percent (40%) of the lot area of an interior lot or forty-five percent (45%) of the lot area of a corner lot.(b)One (1) private attached garage per dwelling unit or one (1) private detached garage per lot is permitted.[Ord. O-2014-0036, 6/17/2014](c)One (1) storage shed is permitted per lot.[Ord. O-2014-0036, 6/17/2014](d)One (1) residential accessory building other than a private garage or storage shed is permitted per lot.[Ord. O-2014-0036, 6/17/2014](e)There shall be a minimum of one (1) foot between detached accessory structures, and they shall not be physically connected.[Ord. O-2014-0036, 6/17/2014](4)Lot Area Per Dwelling. The minimum lot area per dwelling will not be less than forty-eight hundred (4,800) square feet, except that single family dwellings may be erected on any lot in this Zoning District with a lot area of less than four thousand eight hundred (4,800) square feet if that lot was platted and recorded prior to the adoption of this Subchapter.(5)Lot Width. The minimum lot width will not be less than forty (40) feet, except that a single family dwelling in this Zoning District may have a width of less than forty (40) feet if that lot was platted and recorded prior to the adoption of this Subchapter.(6)Front Yard. Every lot will have a front yard not less than twenty (20) feet in depth; however, where any lots fronting on one side of a block are presently developed, or hereafter developed, and have front yards with depths of more than twenty (20) feet from the front lot line no main building hereafter erected or structurally altered shall project beyond the setback line so established. This Section will not be interpreted in any way so as to require a setback of more than forty (40) feet. Existing, unenclosed, covered porches may be reconstructed so as to extend into the required front yard, provided the reconstructed porch does not extend beyond the original porch limits; and, provided further, that no porch may be reconstructed within five (5) feet of the front lot line. Additionally, these existing open porches may be enclosed; provided, the enclosure of the porch above the guard rails and below the roof line are totally undertaken with windows or wire mesh screens and the porch may not be used for lodging purposes. Overhanging roof eaves projecting not more than three (3) feet will not be considered as obstructions.(7)Side Yard.[Ord. O-2003-0014, 2/18/2003](a)Every lot shall have two (2) side yards, the east and south of which will be not less than seven (7) feet in width and the north and west of which will be not less than three (3) feet in width; provided, however, that any lot having a width of forty (40) feet or less, which was platted and recorded prior to the passage of this subchapter shall have no side yard less than three (3) feet in width.(b)In the case of a lot where the side yard adjoins a street, that side yard shall be at least the minimum width established by the existing main buildings on that side of the street or that width required in paragraph (a) above, whichever is greater. For lots platted and recorded prior to the passage of this subchapter which are forty (40) feet or less in width but thirty (30) feet or more in width, a main building and a detached accessory garage of twenty-four (24) feet are permitted, however, all other bulk requirements must be met.(c)Overhanging roof eaves projecting not more than one (1) foot will not be considered as obstructions.(8)Rear Yard. Every lot will have a rear yard with a depth not less than fifteen percent (15%) of the depth of the lot but not less than ten (10) feet.(9)Height. Main buildings on a lot will not exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.