Hotels, Motels and Tourist Rooming Houses and Bed and Breakfast Establishments.  

Latest version.
  • (1) 
    Definition. For purpose of this ordinance, hotel, motel and tourist rooming house shall mean any premises defined by Wisconsin Administrative Code, HFS Section 195.03, and bed and breakfast establishment shall mean any premises defined by Wisconsin Administrative Code, HFS Section 197.03.
    Permit and Fees Required. Before opening for business, every hotel, motel, tourist rooming house or bed-and-breakfast establishment operator shall obtain a permit from the Health Commissioner. No permit shall be granted without a prelicensing inspection conducted by the Health Commissioner and completion of an application form provided by the Health Commissioner. The permit, when issued, must be conspicuously displayed on the premises for which it is issued. All permits shall expire on June 30.
    [Ord. O-2017-0018, 4/18/2017]
    Hotel and Motel Annual Fees. All permittees shall pay an annual fee as follows:
    Hotels or motels with five (5) to thirty (30) rooms shall pay one hundred ninety-four dollars ($194.).
    Hotels or motels with thirty-one (31) to ninety-nine (99) rooms shall pay two hundred seventy-three dollars ($273.).
    Hotels or motels with one hundred (100) to one hundred ninety-nine (199) rooms shall pay three hundred forty-one dollars ($341.).
    Hotels or motels with two hundred (200) rooms or more shall pay four hundred forty dollars ($440.).
    A renewal permittee's failure to pay its annual fee before July 1 shall subject it to a late fee of one hundred dollars ($100.).
    The cost of a duplicate permit shall be fifteen dollars ($15.).
    Hotel Motel Preinspection Fees. All permittees or permittee applicants shall pay the fee for a prelicensing inspection for a new hotel or motel permit as follows:
    Hotels or motels with five (5) to thirty (30) rooms shall pay four hundred ninety-four dollars ($494.).
    Hotels or motels with thirty-one (31) to ninety-nine (99) rooms shall pay six hundred eighty-five dollars ($685.).
    Hotels or motels with one hundred (100) to one hundred ninety-nine (199) rooms shall pay eight hundred nineteen dollars ($819.).
    Hotels or motels with two hundred (200) rooms or more shall pay one thousand two hundred twenty-one dollars ($1,221).
    Hotel Motel Reinspection Fees. Any hotel or motel permittee that requires a reinspection due to the Health Department finding a violation of this section, state statute or state regulation relating to hotels or motels, or finding a health nuisance, as defined in Section 7.03 of the Revised Municipal Code, shall pay the following fees at the time of reinspection:
    Hotels or motels with five (5) to thirty (30) rooms shall pay one hundred three dollars ($103.) for the first reinspection and two hundred six dollars ($206.) for the second or subsequent reinspection during the licensing year.
    Hotels or motels with thirty-one (31) to ninety-nine (99) rooms shall pay two hundred six dollars ($206.) for the first reinspection and four hundred twelve dollars ($412.) for the second or subsequent reinspection during the licensing year.
    Hotels or motels with one hundred (100) to one hundred ninety-nine (199) rooms shall pay two hundred six dollars ($206.) for the first reinspection and four hundred twelve dollars ($412.) for the second or subsequent reinspection during the licensing year.
    Hotels or motels with two hundred (200) rooms or more shall pay three hundred nineteen dollars ($319.) for the first reinspection and six hundred eighteen dollars ($618.) for the second or subsequent reinspection during the licensing year.
    Operating without a permit. Any hotel or motel that operates without a permit shall be subject to a fee of seven hundred forty-nine dollars ($749.).
    Tourist Rooming House Fees. The fees for tourist rooming houses shall be as follows:
    [Ord. O-2017-0018, 4/18/2017]
    The fee for a prelicensing inspection for a new tourist rooming house permit shall be one hundred dollars ($100.).
    The annual fee for a tourist rooming house permit shall be one hundred sixty-five dollars ($165.) and shall be due before July 1. Any renewal permittee who pays its renewal fee on July 1 or later shall be subject to a late fee of one hundred dollars ($100.). The cost for a duplicate permit shall be fifteen dollars ($15.).
    Any tourist rooming house permittee that requires a reinspection due to the Health Department finding a violation of this section, or state statute or state regulation relating to tourist rooming houses, or finding a health nuisance, as defined in Section 7.03 of the Revised Municipal Code, shall pay a reinspection fee of one hundred dollars ($100.) for the first reinspection and two hundred dollars ($200.) for the second or subsequent reinspection during the licensing year. All fees are due at the time of reinspection.
    Any tourist rooming house that operates without a permit shall be subject to a fee of seven hundred forty-nine dollars ($749.).
    Bed-and-Breakfast Establishment Fees. The fees for bed-and-breakfast establishments shall be as follows:
    [Ord. O-2017-0018, 4/18/2017]
    The fee for a prelicensing inspection for a new bed-and-breakfast establishment permit shall be three hundred dollars ($300.).
    The annual fee for a bed-and-breakfast establishment shall be one hundred sixty-five dollars ($165.) and shall be due before July 1. Any renewal permittee who pays its renewal fee on July 1 or later shall be subject to a late fee of one hundred dollars ($100.). The cost for a duplicate permit shall be fifteen dollars ($15.).
    Any bed-and-breakfast establishment permittee that requires a reinspection due to the Health Department finding a violation of this section, or state statute or state regulation relating to bed-and-breakfast establishments, or finding a health nuisance, as defined in Section 7.03 of the Revised Municipal Code, shall pay a reinspection fee of one hundred thirty dollars ($130.) for the first reinspection and one hundred seventy dollars ($170.) for the second or subsequent reinspection during the licensing year. All fees are due at the time of reinspection.
    Any bed and breakfast establishment that operates without a permit shall be subject to a fee of seven hundred forty-nine dollars ($749.).
    Editor’s Note: Former Subsection (5), which required the applicant to pay state administrative fees, was repealed 4/18/2017 by Ord. O-2017-0018.
    Except as otherwise provided herein, the provisions of Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapters ATCP 72 and 73, and the provisions of Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 97 as they relate to hotels, motels, tourist rooming houses, and/or bed-and-breakfast establishments, as they are from time to time amended, are hereby adopted by reference. All hotels, motels, tourist rooming houses, and bed-and-breakfast establishments shall comply with all applicable provisions of these regulations.
    [Ord. O-2017-0018, 4/18/2017]
    In addition, the applicant must pay any state administrative fees, the amount of which is on file with the Department of Health.
    All hotels, motels and tourist rooming houses and licensees under this section shall be subject to and comply with the provisions of Wisconsin Administrative Code, HFS Section 195.01 through 195.11, which are hereby adopted by reference and incorporated as part of this section, and all bed and breakfast establishment licensees under this section shall be subject to and comply with the provisions of Wisconsin Administrative Code, HFS Section 197, as they are from time to time amended, which are hereby adopted by reference and incorporated as part of this section.
    Corrections of violations; citations. Whenever the Health Commissioner finds that any establishment required to obtain a permit in this section is not operating or equipped in any manner required by ordinances or laws regulating such establishment, the Health Commissioner may notify, in writing, the person operating the premises, specifying the requirements of such ordinance or law, and requiring that such business comply with the provisions of such ordinance or law, and specify the time limits within which compliance shall take place. If the time limit or any extension thereof set forth in the notification is not met, the permit may be suspended or revoked by the Health Commissioner.
    Emergency Powers of Health Commissioner. Whenever the Health Commissioner has reasonable or probable cause to believe that any sanitary condition, equipment, premises or method of operation thereof creates a danger to public health, the Health Commissioner may issue a temporary order prohibiting the continued operation of the remises, or any part thereof, which creates the immediate danger to health. The Health Commissioner may suspend any permit without notice whenever the licensed premises constitute an immediate health hazard.
    Appeals. Any person aggrieved by the denial of a permit or by suspension or revocation of a permit required under this section by the Health Commissioner or by any temporary suspension or any other order may appeal any such order to the License and Health Committee of the West Allis Common Council within thirty (30) days of suspension, revocation or issuance of the order. The License and Health Committee of the West Allis Common Council shall provide the appellant a hearing or opportunity for hearing on the matter and may either suspend or continue any such order pending determination of the appeal. The decision of the License and Health Committee shall be final subject to appeal rights as provided by law.
Ord. O-2006-0021, 5/2/2006