Dogs and Dog Licenses.
Latest version.
(1)Licenses for Dogs.(a)Any person owning, keeping or harboring a dog more than five (5) months of age on January 1 of any year, shall annually, or within thirty (30) days from date such dog becomes five (5) months of age, pay in a manner provided by the City Treasurer, a dog license fee in obtaining a license for such dog.(b)The yearly license fee shall be twelve dollars ($12) for each neutered male dog and spayed female dog, and twenty-four dollars ($24) for dogs not neutered and spayed, except dogs kept in a kennel licensed under the provisions of Sec. 174.053, Wis. Stats., and dogs exempt under Sections 174.054 to 174.055, Wis. Stats. If the neutered or spayed dog became five (5) months of age after July 1 of the license year, the sum of six dollars ($6), or half of the sum of the twelve dollars ($12), shall be paid. If the dog is not neutered or spayed, the sum of twelve dollars ($12), or half of the sum of twenty-four dollars ($24), shall be paid. The provisions of this subsection notwithstanding, whenever the Milwaukee Area Domestic Animal Control Commission (MADACC) shall declare an amnesty period for late dog license fee charges, the fee, if any, set by MADACC shall apply for the period of the amnesty.(c)In the event that a license tag issued for a dog shall be lost, the owner may obtain a duplicate tag upon payment of six dollars ($6).[Ord. 6524 (amend) 7/5/2000; Ord. O-2008-0041, 9/18/2008](d)Upon payment of the required dog license fee, the City Treasurer shall execute and issue to the owner a license and a durable tag with an identifying number, county in which issued and the license year. The license year shall commence on January 1 and end the following December 31.(e)Dogs must wear identification tags at all times when off the premises of the owners, except when participants in an organized show or training situation. The fact that a dog is without a license attached to its collar shall be presumptive evidence that the dog is unlicensed.(f)The City Treasurer shall assess and collect an additional fee of six dollars ($6) for each neutered male dog and spayed female dog, and twelve dollars ($12) for dogs not neutered or spayed from every owner of a dog five (5) months of age where such owner has filed and neglected to obtain a license prior to April 1, or within thirty (30) days after the dog has reached licensable age, and all monies so received or collected by any collecting officer shall be paid to the City Treasurer as revenue to the City of West Allis.[Ord. 6524 (repeal & recreate) 7/5/2000; Ord. O-2008-0041, 9/18/2008; Ord. O-2009-0026, 9/1/2009](g)The City Treasurer shall not issue such dog licenses described above without proof of proper rabies shots. The City Treasurer shall not issue a new dog license for a neutered or spayed dog without proof of alteration.(2)Keeping of More Than Two Dogs Prohibited.[Ord. O-2012-0039, 11/20/2012](a)Except as provided in Section 7.123 of this Code, no person shall harbor, keep, raise or maintain at any time more than two (2) dogs per building or dwelling unit in the City; provided, however, that for the purposes of this ordinance, puppies shall not be considered dogs until after they have reached the age of five (5) months.(b)A service dog, as defined in Wisconsin Statute Section 951.01(5), shall not be counted for purposes of this section if such dog is kept at a building or dwelling unit to assist a person also living at such building or dwelling unit.Editor's Note: Former Paragraphs (3), Dogs Running at Large, (4), Dogs Causing Injury, and (5), Barking or Howling Dog Nuisance, all of which immediately followed this paragraph, were repealed 5-5-2009 by Ord. No. O-2008-0054.
Ord. 6524 (repeal & recreate) 7/5/2000; Ord. O-2008-0041,
9/18/2008; Ord. O-2014-0049, 8/5/2014