City Health Commissioner.  

Latest version.
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    How Appointed. See Section 2.24 of this Code.
    Powers and Duties.
    State Regulations. The Health Commissioner of the City shall have the powers and duties provided in Sec. 251.06(3) of the Wisconsin Statutes, the rules and regulations of the State Department of Health and Social Services, the regulations of the West Allis Board of Health and the ordinances of the City.
    General Powers. In addition to the powers and duties set forth in Chapter 251 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the Health Commissioner shall:
    Make an annual survey and maintain a continuous sanitary supervision over his territory.
    Make a sanitary inspection periodically of all school buildings and places of public assemblage, and report thereon to those responsible for the maintenance thereof.
    Promote the dissemination of information pertaining to the causes, nature and prevention of prevalent diseases and the preservation and improvement of health.
    Take steps necessary to secure prompt and full reports by physicians of communicable diseases and prompt and full registration of births and deaths.
    Keep and deliver to his successor a record of all official acts.
    Right to Enter Premises. The Health Commissioner, and any persons acting under him, is hereby authorized to enter into and examine, at any time, all buildings, lots and places of all descriptions, within the City of West Allis, for the purpose of ascertaining the condition thereof, so far as the public health may be affected thereby, and it shall be the duty and right of said Health Commissioner to enter and examine, or cause to be entered and examined, all such buildings, lots and places for the purpose of ascertaining the condition thereof, so far as public health may be affected thereby, and whenever, in his judgment, he shall deem it necessary.
    Assistance From Police and Others. The police and all magistrates and other civil officers and all citizens shall aid, to the utmost of their power, the Health Commissioner in the discharge of his duties and, on his requisition, the Chief of Police shall serve or detail one or more policemen to serve the notices issued by the Commissioner and to perform such other duties as he may require.
    Interfering With Commissioner. No person, firm or corporation shall resist or obstruct the Commissioner of Health, or any of his assistants, while in the discharge of any duty, or who shall refuse or neglect to obey any direction given by the said officer, or his agents, in matters pertaining to his duties.
Ord. 6075, 2/16/1994