Duties of the Clerk.  

Latest version.
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    Corporate Seal. The Clerk shall have care and custody of the corporate seal of the City.
    Keeping Journal. He shall attend the meetings of the Council and keep a full record of its proceedings. He shall superintend the recording of the journal of the proceedings of each meeting of the Common Council, which shall be verified by the signature of the Mayor, or other presiding officer of the Council, and attested by the signature of the City Clerk. He shall also record at length in the journal all reports of Committees, officers and Commissions, and such ordinances, resolutions and memorials as shall be passed and adopted by the Council, and such other matters as he may be directed by the Council to record at length in the journal.
    Delivery Of Matters Referred. He shall, within seventy-two (72) hours after reference shall have been made, deliver all petitions, communications, memorials, ordinances, resolutions, amendments or other matters to the Chairman of the Committee of the Council, or to any City officer or Board thereof, to whom any such matter was referred and as may be required. He shall permit no record of papers belonging to the City to be taken out of his custody, otherwise than in the regular course of business, and he shall report any missing paper to the Mayor or presiding officer of the Council and, generally, he shall perform such other duties pertaining to his office as City Clerk as the Mayor and Council may require. He shall be responsible for all the official acts of his assistants.
    Correction Of Clerical Errors. The City Clerk shall correct all minor clerical errors in ordinances, memorials or resolutions in orthography or grammar, or the use of one word for another, as "it" for "they," "or" for "it," etc., and wrong numbers or references, whether they occur on the original or any amendment thereto, as a matter of course, upon the approval of the Chairman of any Committee to which the same was referred, or of the presiding officer of the Council. Any corrections made by him under this rule shall be noted by him upon the journal. Webster's Dictionary shall be the standard.
    Record Of Licenses. He shall keep a record of all licenses and permits granted and record all bonds in appropriate books.
    Other Duties. He shall perform such other duties as prescribed by State Statutes and by order of the Common Council. (Also see Section 2.10 of this Code.)
    Deputy City Clerk. In the absence of the City Clerk, the Deputy City Clerk shall perform the duties of the Clerk.