Youth Commission.  

Latest version.
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    How Constituted. The Youth Commission shall consist of twenty-four (24) members appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Common Council. Twelve (12) members shall be from Nathan Hale High School, with two (2) from each grade level, except first-year students. Twelve (12) members shall be from West Allis Central High School, with two (2) from each grade level, except first-year students. Additionally, up to four (4) members may be appointed to the Commission from either other high schools located in West Allis or students living in West Allis and attending private high schools outside West Allis.
    [Ord. 6639, 11/19/2002; Ord. O-2018-0036, 9/18/2018]
    Any current members will continue to serve, but full implementation of Commission membership will be in September 2001.
    In addition to the regular members of the Youth Commission, nine (9) adult advisors to the Youth Commission shall serve as ex officio members. Said members shall be the following individuals, or their designees: Mayor, Common Council President, School Board President, School Superintendent, Police Chief, School Recreation Director, and two (2) citizens at large.
    Terms. Initial appointments for the Youth Commission members shall be for the period of one (1) year. Thereafter, members may be reappointed through senior graduation.
    Appointments of the adult advisors shall be for an indefinite term, except for the two (2) citizen members. Initial appointments of the two (2) citizen members shall be one (1) for two (2) years and one (1) for four (4) years. Thereafter, citizen appointments shall be for four (4) years.
    Time and Place of Meeting. The Youth Commission shall meet at least once a month, but may meet more frequently as necessary. Meetings shall generally be held at City Hall but may, with sufficient advance announcement and reason, be held at another suitable place within the City in order to do its work.
    Organization and Procedure.
    The Mayor shall annually appoint the Chair.
    A quorum shall be a majority of youth members.
    Written minutes shall be kept, showing all actions taken and recommendations made. A copy of such minutes shall be filed with the City Clerk/Treasurer.
    The Youth Commission may adopt rules, not inconsistent herewith, for the transaction of its business.
    All official actions shall be made by a majority vote of those present constituting a quorum.
    The Chair may designate a youth member to be recording secretary for taking the minutes.
    Functions and Duties. The purpose of the Youth Commission is to involve the youth of the City of West Allis in public decisions affecting them and to encourage them to take an active role in local government. The Youth Commission may develop community youth programs that promote said purpose, including, but not limited to, the following:
    Advise the Common Council annually of its activities, make recommendations to the Common Council in areas affecting the welfare of youth, either upon its own initiative or upon referral of matters to it by the Common Council.
    Respond, as necessary, to the needs of youth within the City.
    Recommend to appropriate agencies those community resources that should be instituted, improved, or enlarged in order to meet the needs of youth.
    Perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to it by the Common Council.
    Cooperate with other Boards, Commissions, and Committees of the City where matters affecting youth are involved.
Ord. 6555, 1/2/2001