City Engineer.  

Latest version.
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    Appointment. The City Administrator shall recommend appointment of the City Engineer subject to approval by the Common Council in the unclassified service of the City to serve full time at the pleasure of the Common Council, in accordance with City of West Allis Policies and Procedures Manual Policy No. 404 (Recruitment and Hiring Process for Executive/Managerial/Deputy Assistant Service Positions), Policy No. 405 [Discipline for Non-Elective Officials (Executive Service/Department Heads)], and as provided by Section 17.12(1) of the Wisconsin Statutes.
    Powers and Duties.
    The City Engineer shall perform the duties and have the responsibilities, as are prescribed by law, the position job description, employment contract, and such other duties as the Common Council may prescribe from time to time.
    The City Engineer shall perform all of the City's engineering work established by law and the Common Council, except for that work designated for other employees or departments.
    The City Engineer shall superintend and perform or cause to be performed all the civil engineering required in the management and prosecution of all public improvements committed to his/her charge and all such other surveying as may be directed by the Common Council.
    The City Engineer shall have full and complete charge and control over all public works construction. No estimate or final payment on any contract or other public works construction shall be paid without the certificate of the City Engineer as to satisfactory compliance with plans and specifications therefor.
    The City Engineer shall establish the bond amounts, insurance requirements, and all other provisions of public construction contracts to ensure that the work is adequately performed and the City's interests are protected. The City Engineer shall consult with the City Attorney and obtain approval as to the form of the contract, bonds, insurance and other requirements.
    Pursuant to the authority in Section 66.0911, Wis. Stat., and Resolution No. R-2017-0029, the City Engineer is authorized to charge for construction, purchase, acquisition, development, improvement, operation, and maintenance of water, heat, sewer and gas laterals and charge the cost thereof to the lot or parcel served.
    Records and Reports. The City Engineer shall keep a record of all official acts and doings; s/he shall keep on file a copy of all plats of the lots and blocks and sewers embraced in the City limits, profiles of streets, alleys and sewers and of the grade thereof, all drafts and plans relating to bridges and to any public buildings belonging to the City; s/he shall keep a record of the location of bench marks and permanent corner stakes from which subsequent surveys shall be started; and, s/he shall incorporate on the Zoning Map all authorized changes and amendments, all of which records and documents shall be the property of the City, open to the inspection of parties interested and shall be delivered over by the City Engineer to his successor in office.
Ord. O-2007-0040, 10/16/2007; Ord. O-2017-0010, 2/21/2017; Ord. O-2018-0022, 5-15-2018