West Allis |
Code of Ordinances |
Municipal Code |
Chapter 2. City Government |
Appointive Officials and Employees.
Latest version.
(1)Unclassified Service.(a)Non-elected officials (Executive Service/Department Heads/Managerial and Deputy/Assistant Service Employees) shall be appointed and hold their positions in accordance with Policy No. 404 in the City of West Allis Policies and Procedures Manual and Sections 17.12 and 17.16 Wis. Stats, except employees of the Police and Fire Department who shall be appointed by the Police and Fire Commission and the employees of the Library who shall be appointed by the Library Board.[Ord. O-2018-0043, 11/5/2018](b)Other employees in the unclassified service shall hold their positions for terms established by their appointing power, subject to discipline and removal as provided by the procedures set forth in Section 2.76 of this chapter.(2)Classified Service. All employees in the classified service, as defined in Section 2.76 of this chapter, shall be selected from an eligible list, as provided for in said section, and upon passing their probationary period, shall hold their positions for indefinite terms subject to removal as provided in Section 2.76, by state law, or as otherwise provided.
Ord. O-2006-0011, 2/21/2006; Ord. O-2011-0062, 9/6/2011;
Ord. O-2018-0022, 5-15-2018