Notice to Franchisee. Except as provided in Section 15.101 of this
Ordinance, the City shall not take any final action with regard to
the evaluation, modification, renewal, revocation or termination of
the Grantee's Franchise, unless the City has:
Provided Grantee with notice and opportunity to cure any Franchise
violation or take any curative action thereto;
Called a meeting for the purpose of taking such action, as specified
Complied with the Public Notice provisions of the Wisconsin Open
Meetings Law; (secs. 19.83 of the Wisconsin Statutes, et. seq.)
Advised the Grantee, in writing, by either certified United States
Mail or delivery by hand, at least fourteen (14) days prior to such
meeting, as to its time, place and purpose;
Published a notice at least once, ten (10) days before the meeting
in the West Allis Star; and,
The Grantee and any interested Person are given an opportunity to
be heard at such meeting.