Flammable Liquids, Storage and Equipment.  

Latest version.
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    State Code. Under this section, the flammable liquids code for the State of Wisconsin, issued by the Industrial Commission, is hereby incorporated as a part of this section.
    Location of Tanks and Dispensing Equipment. Storage tanks and dispensing equipment for flammable liquids shall not be located on or under any street, alley or public sidewalk.
    Fuel Oil Burners and Equipment.
    Oil supply tanks larger than sixty (60) gallons capacity shall not be located in buildings above the lowest story, cellar or basement.
    Unenclosed inside storage tanks and auxiliary tanks shall not be located within seven (7) feet, horizontally, of any fire or flame.
    Inside storage and auxiliary tanks shall be securely supported by substantial incombustible supports to prevent settling, sliding or lifting.
    Oil supply tanks located inside buildings shall not exceed two hundred seventy-five (275) gallons, individual capacity, or five hundred fifty (550) gallons, aggregate capacity (in one building), unless installed in an enclosure or casing constructed as follows:
    The walls of the enclosure shall be constructed of reinforced concrete at least six (6) inches thick or of brick at least eight (8) inches thick, and shall be bonded to the floor. The space between the tank and the enclosure shall be completely filled with sand to a point two (2) feet above the tank.
    Fuel oil supply tanks of one thousand (1,000) gallons capacity, or less, may be installed under the basement floors of all buildings which are not places of public assembly. The top of such tanks shall be at least two (2) feet below the top of the basement.
    Gravity Feed to Burners.
    Gravity feed shall be used only with burners arranged to prevent abnormal discharge of oil at the burner by automatic means specifically approved for the burner with which it is used.
    An approved domestic type oil burner may be supplied by gravity from two (2) connected inside or outside storage tanks, provided neither tank exceeds two hundred seventy-five (275) gallons capacity and they are connected to the fuel line by an approved three (3) way valve.
    Pressure Tank Feed. Tanks for systems under pressure shall be designed for six (6) times the maximum working pressure and be tested and proven tight at twice the maximum working pressure. The maximum working pressure shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds per square inch. All such tanks shall be provided with a reliable pressure gauge, an air relief valve and a suitable device to vent the tank in case of fire, both discharging outside of the building.
    Oil Gauging. Test wells shall not be installed inside buildings. Gauging devices such as liquid level indicators or signals shall be installed so that oil or vapor will not be discharged into the building from fuel oil systems.
    Tank Vents. Storage tanks shall be equipped with an open vent or an approved automatically operated vent arranged to discharge to the open air and shall not be less than one inch in size. Vent pipes shall terminate outside of buildings at a point not less than two (2) feet from any window or door opening and shall be capped with a waterproof hood.
    Tank Fill Pipes. Underground tanks and storage tanks inside buildings shall be filled only through fill pipes terminating outside of buildings at a point not less than five (5) feet from any building opening at the same or lower level and shall be closed tight when not in use by a metal cover designed to prevent tampering.
    Piping. All piping shall be standard, full weight, wrought iron, steel or brass pipe with standard fittings or approved brass or copper tubing with standard fittings. All piping shall be rigidly secured in place and protected from injury in a workmanlike manner. Horizontal pipes in the basement shall be laid under or within the concrete floor and shall have a covering of not less than one inch.
    Approved Fuel Oil Burners. No fuel oil burner shall hereafter be installed in any building in the City which does not bear the approval of recognized authorities.
    Dangerous and Defective Oil Heating Equipment. Oil burners or fuel oil equipment which are defective and dangerous to life or property shall be made safe or removed.
    Permits. Before proceeding with the construction, erection, alteration, remodeling or replacement of any flammable liquid storage tanks or equipment, a permit shall first be obtained from the Building Inspector. Before a permit is issued, an application shall be filed with the Inspector by the owner or contractor, specifying the location, size, use and capacity of such storage tanks or equipment, together with the estimated cost of the work. If the application shows that all the work will be in compliance with the provisions of this Chapter, the Inspector shall approve the same and issue a permit for which a fee shall be charged in accordance with Section 13.255(9).