RC-1 Residence District.  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of the RC-1 Residence District is to provide areas in the City for lower density multifamily development.
    Permitted Uses.
    Single- and two-family residence in accordance with the bulk requirements in RA-3 Residence District.
    Multifamily dwellings. [See Section 12.10(2) for other bulk requirements for accessory buildings.]
    [Ord. O-2006-0013, 4/4/2006]
    Public utility service structures not larger than six (6) feet tall and twenty-five (25) square feet in surface area, conditioned upon the following:
    [Ord. O-2008-0006, 2/5/2008; Ord. O-2008-0031, 7/1/2008]
    Site, landscaping and screening, and architectural review of the public utility service structure and the immediate area surrounding the structure, by the Department of Development staff. Public utility service structures shall be effectively screened from any abutting lot(s) and City right-of-way by landscaping or other means, as necessary, as approved by the Department of Development staff; and
    If the staff and applicant are unable to come to an agreement on the proposed location and screening, the applicant may file a request for a variance with the Plan Commission by submitting a written request to the Department of Development not less than twenty (20) days before the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting. At the time that a request for a variance is made, the applicant shall pay the required fee in accordance with Development Review fees in Chapter 12 of the Revised Municipal Code.
    Public utility service structures shall not be located within any front yard or corner side yard on private property.
    Transitional Uses. Those transitional uses permitted in the RA-1 Residence District.
    Special Uses.
    Those special uses permitted in the RB-1 Residence District.
    Boarding and rooming houses.
    Libraries, museums and public art galleries.
    Private, non-profit clubs and lodges, social or recreational buildings located twenty (20) feet or more from any other lot in a Residence District.
    Mixed uses.
    The following uses are special uses requiring Common Council approval. The bulk requirements for special use will be established by the Common Council.
    [Ord. O-2006-0013, 4/4/2006]
    Floor Area Ratio. The floor area ratio on a lot in the RC-1 Residence District shall not exceed 1.2.
    Land Area Per Dwelling Unit. For multi-family dwellings, there will be provided a minimum of two thousand (2,000) square feet of land area for each dwelling unit of two (2) bedrooms or more; one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet of land area for each dwelling unit with one bedroom; and, one thousand (1,000) square feet of land area for each dwelling unit with no bedrooms. For single-family dwellings, except as may be provided elsewhere for a specific permitted or special use, the minimum lot area per dwelling will not be less than five thousand (5,000) square feet.
    Front Yard. Every lot will have a front yard not less than twenty (20) feet in depth. Overhanging roof eaves projecting not more than three (3) feet will not be considered as obstructions.
    Side Yards. Every lot shall have two (2) side yards, the east and south of which shall be at least ten (10) feet wide and the north and west of which shall be at least ten (10) feet wide; except, where a side yard adjoins a street, it shall be at least twenty (20) feet in width. Overhanging roof eaves projecting not more than two (2) feet will not be considered as obstructions.
    Rear Yards. Every lot will have a rear yard of not less than thirty (30) feet in depth.
Ord. O-2003-0062, 9/2/2003